The section of East New Circle Road between Palumbo Drive and Woodhill Drive retains the dubious distinction of being the most dangerous intersection in Lexington, at least based on sheer number of accidents, despite a 20 percent reduction in the number of car accidents in 2017. Even with this reduction, the total of 56 collisions means that this intersection sees an average of slightly more than one accident per week.
New Circle Road functions as Lexington’s primary beltway, and most of it works like an interstate highway, free of traffic signals. Parts of East New Circle Road, however, including the stretch between Palumbo Drive and Woodhill Drive, include frequent traffic lights and congested traffic, requiring vehicles accustomed to traveling at 55 mph to slow down and even stop. Most of the accidents occur near the intersections with Palumbo and Woodhill.
The Peculiarities of Kentucky Car Accident Law
Every state maintains its own car accident law. Although there are broad similarities, important differences exist as well. Two peculiar aspects of Kentucky car accident law (not shared by every state) are no-fault auto insurance and pure comparative fault.
No-Fault Auto Insurance
Kentucky is one of only 12 states that have enacted no-fault auto insurance laws. All Kentucky rivers are required to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance. Unless your injuries are serious (and there is a specific legal definition for “serious”), your PIP insurance will pay your claim. You cannot sue the other driver or his insurance company unless your injuries are serious or you have otherwise exited the no-fault system — by opting out in advance, for example.
Pure Comparative Fault
Kentucky is one of only 13 states that maintains a “pure comparative fault” regime. Comparative fault applies when more than one party is at fault for the accident. The court will assign a percentage of fault to each party, and each party will be responsible for paying that percentage of the other party’s damages that corresponds to his own percentage of fault (75 percent, for example).
The Sooner You Act, the Better Your Chances Will Be
If you have been injured in an accident on East New Circle Road or anywhere else in Lexington, contact Kentucky car accident lawyer Glenn Martin Hammond ASAP for a consultation, by calling (606) 437-7777 or by filling out our online contact form. We serve clients in Woodhill, Palumbo Drive, Chevy Chase, Tates Creek and elsewhere in Lexington, KY, as well as throughout the state.