Federal workers’ comp is the workers’ comp system designed for federal workers, and it is distinct from state workers’ compensation systems. It is designed to get the injured worker back to work as soon as possible. As such, it is subject to certain limitations on the length of time that payments are continued, and these limits vary greatly depending on the case.
Types of Benefits Available
The federal workers’ compensation program offers several different types of benefits, including:
Wage Loss
If you lose work time due to hospitalization, doctor appointments, medical treatment and/or reduced working hours due to your injury, you can receive two-thirds of your salary if you have no dependents, or 75 percent of your regular salary if you have dependents. These payments continue until you return to work. If you return to work only part-time, you will continue to receive reduced benefits.
Continuation of Pay (COP)
In case you suffer a traumatic injury, your will receive 100 percent of your regular pay for as long as 45 days after the injury.
Medical treatment continues as long as necessary before you die.
Schedule Awards
If your disability causes you lifetime impairment, you might qualify for a Schedule Award. A Schedule Award is typically paid in 28-day installments, but it can be paid in lump sum. The amount and duration equals a certain number of weeks of your regular pay, depending on the body part that was impaired. Following is the schedule used, based on total loss of use (partial loss of use will result in a smaller award):
- Arm 312 weeks
- Big Toe 38 weeks
- Breast 52 weeks
- Eye 160 weeks
- Foot 205 weeks
- Fourth Finger 15 weeks
- Index Finger 46 weeks
- Hand 244 weeks
- Hearing (1 ear) 52 weeks
- Hearing (both) 200 weeks
- Kidney (1) 156 weeks
- Larynx 160 weeks
- Leg 288 weeks
- Lung (1) 156 weeks
- Penis/Female Sex Organs 205 weeks
- Second Finger 30 weeks
- Testicle/Ovary (1) 52 weeks
- Third Finger 25 weeks
- Thumb 75 weeks
- Toe (other) 16 weeks
- Tongue 160 weeks
Death Benefits
If a federal employee dies from a work-related injury, the spouse and minor children can receive monthly benefits based on the employee’s wages at the time of death.
- If the surviving spouse remarries before turning 55, benefits will terminate, but he or she will receive a lump-sum payment of 24 months of benefits. Benefits continue for life if the spouse never remarries or remarries at the age of 55 or older.
- A minor child’s benefits terminate at age of 18, or at age 23 if he or she is still in school. A disabled child’s benefits continue for life.
Don’t Try to Navigate the Federal Workers’ Compensation Maze Alone
The federal workers’ compensation system is known for its complexity, and you are going to need a guide through its byzantine corridors. Contact federal workers’ compensation lawyer Glenn Martin Hammond for a consultation, by calling (606) 437-7777 or by filling out our online contact form. We serve clients throughout the state of Kentucky.